Mobile App Development
End-to-End Mobile App solutions for Global to Local Brands. We help Design, Develop, Deploy and then market the Apps. Mobile App Development Services Company - LogiClix

Experience App UX/UI design Like never before
The UX/UI design can make or break your Brand. We have designed a program where we create numerous designs with varied elements and layouts and compare them with your competitors. The mock ups (wire-frames) are tested through dry runs numerous times and once fully satisfied, only then we move on to prototyping phase.
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Cutting edge Development Platforms
Flutter, React to Native Apps we build on platforms that are cutting edge and keep your customer data safe, and you, ahead of your competition at all times. Our codes are thoroughly bug tested on local servers and only then they are submitted for App store reviews.
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Compatible across Multiple devices
When creating apps the most difficult problems developers and app owners face is to make their apps available to as many devices as possible. It take a huge amount of effort to make mobile Apps work seamlessly across old-gen/up-coming devices and devices with customized OS versions, along with their widely varying screen sizes and processors.
We at LogiClix try and work out the best solution so that your app can have the widest possible user base and can last as long as possible without major updates.
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fall in love with our App features

ROI Centric Approach Marketing
When we take on the marketing of an app we make sure that you get the best bang for your buck. We track and analyze our campaigns in real time so that they are constantly optimized to reduce your CPA continuously.

Multilingual & translatable
We make our Apps accessible across borders of language and cultural divide. We get native experts' Inputs to design apps so that they are culturally appropriate and they convey your message as you intend to.

Secure Cloud Backend & MBaaS
The back end of the app is very critical in the overall working and safety of your app. We develop back end solutions based on your choice (such as AWS, Microsoft azure or Google cloud) You may choose to utilize MBaaS (Mobile backend as a service) as well and you can choose to work with Cloudkit (Apple) or Firebase (Google) etc.

Amazingly wide compatibility range
Our Apps work across the widest possible device and OS range. From iPhone and iPads to Car Play, We make sure your app works every where.

Easy to use interface
Our focus is always to make sure that our Apps are intuitive and easy to use. The user interface is never made needlessly complex and the functionality intuitive. We endeavor to make lives easier for our users through our apps and that means getting things dome at the shortest possible time and using the least amount of effort and resources (battery power in this case)

Wearable Apps
Modern wearable devices such as smart watches, fitness bands, Eye ware need special customization so that they can be used within the restricted screen size. We provide the support and customization needed to make them compatible with all smart watches.

Long term Support
We provide a warranty of 3 months on all our work. Beyond that we offer annual and quarterly maintenance contracts so that your app can receive all updates and continue to work flawlessly even after major OS updates for years to come!
Native Apps
Unique code for each OS. Native Apps have the best performance and have direct access to device APIs. However they are the most costly to build and maintain. The code is written in a programing language such as swift for Apple Apps and Kotlin/Java for Android.
Cross platform / Hybrid Apps
Cross platform Apps are usually written on a framework such as React Native or Flutter and then these codes can be exported to work as near-native apps on respective platform. They are the most widely used Apps and suit most businesses and startups.
Web Apps
Web Apps are simple an quick to build. They do not require to be "installed" and are run on browsers of mobile devices as well as PCs. They are usually limited in features however are a very good starting point for Startups and businesses who simply want to provide an App like experience but not depend on App stores in any way.
Frequently Asked Questions
Like every thing else in this industry it depends on what your requirements are. There is no one size fits all type solution here. A Mobile App can cost anywhere from just $500 to $5m. Talk to us, tell us what you need and we will suggest the best way to go about it and the best price accordingly.
A mobile App can take between a few weeks to a few months depending on whether it is a hybrid or a native app, as well as on the features and complexity involved.
Get in touch with us and our experienced staff will guide you into choosing the best platform and based on your budget the best type of app that will satisfy all your needs.
During the discovery phase itself we will guide you and inform you of the best practices and what guidelines you must follow in the theme and purpose of the App so that they are accepted by the App stores. Once ready we will assist you in submitting the App to their respective App stores!
Whatever App we develop, unless explicitly agreed before, is the property of the client. The App submission is made through the Developer account created by/for the client. The client retains all rights for the App.
All coding work thats leaves our stables, has a warranty for a period of 3 months. If you require any support after that we are always here to help you out. We even provide long term support packages. To know more simply send us a query through the contact page and we will get back to you ASAP!
Make a beautiful App
It has never been easier to create a Mobile App! Get in touch with us you will be surprised as to how little it can actually cost to get your Own Mobile App!
LogiClix Mobile Application design and development service & Mobile App Development Services Company